Mental Illness Warning Signs

If you are concerned about a teen's mental health. Here is a list of 15 warning signs to see if a teen might be having a mental health illness. If you are a teen and are not sure if a friend is having difficulties always reach out to a trusted teacher or parent.

Changes in mood, such as extreme sadness, irritability, or frequent mood swings.

Withdrawing from social activities or isolating themselves from friends and family.

Loss of interest in activities that they previously enjoyed.

Changes in sleeping patterns, such as difficulty falling asleep or sleeping too much.

Changes in appetite, such as overeating or undereating.

Loss of energy or fatigue.

Difficulty concentrating or focusing.

Difficulty with decision-making or problem-solving.

Thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Increased use of drugs or alcohol.

Poor school performance or declining grades.

Physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.

Engaging in risky behaviors or activities.

Paranoia or delusions.

Intense fears or worries that interfere with daily life.

It's important to remember that experiencing one or more of these warning signs does not necessarily mean that a teenager is struggling with a mental illness. However, if you notice these warning signs in a teenager, it may be a sign that they need additional support and resources to help them navigate their mental health. Seeking the help of a mental health professional is recommended if these signs persist or worsen over time.

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